Welcome to MakeMoneyMedicine.com! Where you can Learn to Earn Online! This site was created to introduce people to the number 1 way to learn how to make money online. Everything you see is free, so let’s have some fun!
My Story
I was born and raised in Calgary Alberta Canada.
In 2008 the company I was working for asked me to move, they said my skills were needed at another location. They were going to send me to Red Deer. A couple weeks later there was a complete U-turn and I was asked to move to Medicine Hat.
I can tell you I had never really thought about moving from Calgary…and even if I did, I can’t say Medicine Hat was the place I wanted to go. The only thing I knew about the place was the Teepee I had seen a couple times, once driving by on my way to Toronto, and once driving back home.
The company I worked for took care of all the details and made me some promises that if I were successful, they would help me along the way. And in the end, they kept every single promises. I was very blessed to work for them.
The job, without getting into too much details, was retail commission sales for furniture. I did extremely well right off the bat for a couple of reasons. The company knew I had never done sales before, and that was the biggest reason to hire me, they knew I would follow the program and the could teach me. I was all in. I had never thought of working for commisiion before but I wasn’t going to let that stop me, I knew the world works on commission and it can be quite lucrative.
Besides, to be honest… nobody else was hiring and they were willing to pay for training, I had nothing to lose.
It was also there that I was able to spend a lot of time on the internet. And, while learning about people and sales…I knew the future was going to combine the internet and sales too…it was only a matter of time.
I loved building websites and I start playing around with code and searching for sales and information. In the beginning there were a lot of scams. There still are but some are more obvious. I used to say to stay away from scams, gimmicks and gurus.
I am not saying there aren’t any Guru’s out there, but be careful to make sure it’s not just advertising. Only you can figure out the difference.
Between working my sales job and building tech on the side, I was a pretty happy guy.
I travelled with my wife and we enjoyed the good life, being fortunate enough to buy a house. While I was doing all of this stuff I was still on the look out for the next big thing. Sales on the internet was still early but many people were convinced they could get rich quick. Overnight success. Doesn’t exist, don’t believe me? Click here and listen to this guy.
Anyways, while researching another money making product I found a review site. I was really impressed by the review because it wasn’t bias at all. The author clearly pointed out everything about the product, the good, and the bad.
And for that reason I explored more of the site.
That lead me to find Wealthy Affiliate!

I have learned so much from Wealthy Affiliate that I decided I wanted to teach more people about making money online, because that’s is what a lot of people want to learn to do.
It’s been a few years now since my wife of 18 years passed away from cancer. While she was alive she supported every idea I ever had with positive encouragement. She would never tell me not to try, in fact, she was my biggest supporter.
She used to say, you make the money and I will help you spend it! And for that I, I will always love her.
I continue to share her story and share the knowledge and education for other people to succeed in life.
Affiliate Marketing has so many opportunities, here is another website my company built, Hiring Medicine Hat. Again to bring attention to where I live. Hiring Medicine Hat, is an excellent example of what Affiliate Marketing is. The site has wanted information and is designed for traffic and sales.
Today I have an Advertising Company, I call it Jared’s Digital Agency. My company has built websites and managed social media campaigns for companies in various industries, giving me experiences and educations that paved the way for my success.
I am also building an Academy for online courses, you can check it out here.
The goal of this website is to show people everywhere all over the world how easy it is to make money online if you have the right tools. This is about affiliate marketing and reaching out, especially where I live in Medicine Hat! I hope to bring a lot of attention to Wealthy Affiliate and this city!
I think that is the coolest part of working on the internet, you go beyond local, you are talking about communicating with the anybody anywhere! And yet, you can still make a personal connection with people.
Searching for making money online is still the number 1 thing people look for. I am here to show anybody who wants to learn how to do it!
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,
Jared Bosch